Sunday, June 6, 2010

Attack on the Pin-Up Boys, Part the First: Sparkles and Poo

So yaaaay. I gots the first part done!

I love how this movie begins with some serious epic turning on Sungmin's part. Like for seriously epic:

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But before this little montage of Sungmin-ness, I caught something strange. There was this whole exposition bit on various Korean high school urban legends, one of which was about a girl who haunts a school. This girl, to be exact:

I was looking at it and I thought that it looked familiar. And then I realized. OH MY GAWD:


So anyways, more Sungmin in Pink. Here is Sungmin yawning, but in gif form it just looks like he is chewing a rather large imaginary rice ball or something. Or being a fish.

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And here is Sungmin in a pile o' candy:

And here is just a picture of Sungmin being sparkly:

So that is Sungmin. SUNGMIN. And now we move on to Hangeng. Hangeng's entrance also got introduced with an epic turn that I did not manage to catch as well because it happens too quickly. Pretty much all the time:

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What is he doing right there? HE IS DOING THE NINJA. You think you see him? OH WAIT NO. Tricky bastard.

But look what I caught Hangeng doing!

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And we leave with Hangeng's "Oh no! I have poo flying at my face!" face.

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I couldn't capture any of Yesung's epic skipping/turning/being-a-rock star to my satisfaction. He was just moving too quickly! So I leave you with just Yesung's "Oh no! I have poo flying at my face!" face.

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