Friday, June 18, 2010

Dialogues are things with two people...

SO...because I have been lazy. And also because pater keeps making me plant things. I have been neglecting my duties to this site. Which is super bad. And I should be working on my GIANT project. But...I think I'll just put that off.

Instead! I saw this picture, and felt like it needed a story to accompany it:

Something like this:

SIWON: Heechul, I can't go get ice cream with you. I am trying to write the next great American novel. Do you see this typewriter? Clearly typewriters mean business.

HEECHUL: American novel? Why not Korean? Maybe if you tried writing it in Korean instead of English, this would all go a lot faster.

S: But what about my faux Americana? Do you not see the way we are dressed? Do you not see how my hair is slicked back just so? Do you not see this anachronistic typewriter? I mean, we are dressed like it is the 50s, but the typewriter's block-y design clearly screams 80s!

H: I think everyone is aware of your outfit, Siwon. Whatever happened to your shirt sleeves? They seem to longer present.

S: Oh well...I had a bit of...writer's block. So to get my creative juices flowing, I decided to wrestle a shark.

H: A shark?! That still does not explain the shirt sleeves.

S: See...the shark never really wanted to wrestle in the first place. Apparently, I had interrupted his quilting session. He just ripped off my shirt sleeves and swam away. Said something about "matching his curtains."

H: I don't know why I spend time with you.

S: No, it totally makes sense, see-

H: I am leaving you for ice cream. [Exit]

S: But! [sadface]


[Source Image: TwELFs]

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